Deliver lasting change with our training programmes…


Change Management

A practical focus on shaping the beliefs in the change programme; providing the inspiration, leadership, management and drive for change. We explore change models and techniques and focus on the enhancement of the skills needed post change.


We help Leaders explore their Vision Values and Strategy. We equip and enable them to deliver significant change. We explore the various leadership styles, authority, accountability and role-modelling and the importance of Character as well as Strategy.


We focus on the core elements of successful management. Goal setting, being a role model, managing performance and individual and team development through Observation & feedback, Coaching and Developmental 121s.


We explore the skills and effectiveness of directive and non-directive coaching and what makes a great coach.

Performance Management

Effective performance management focuses on how to practically manage the human resource; high performers to under performers; ensuring maximum effect through support, enhancement or change.


Business Development Management

A programme that explores and agrees the best practices for skills, processes and techniques in the development of business relationships and opportunities. This is a practically focused programme that will positively impact on business results.


Consultative selling is the foundation for productive and sustainable levels of business. This programme focuses on the psychology, methodology and skills to be highly effective at selling to revealed needs in B2B and B2C environments.

Key Account Management

This programme defines the essence of highly effective strategic and key account management. It considers the strategic intent for the relationship and the required balance. It explores the best practices in collaboratively creating the most productive account relationships.


Customer Service

We help businesses provide the very best customer experience. This experience is founded in the beliefs held, the culture created and the behaviours that result and delivered through the commercial outcomes achieved.

Customer Focus

We focus on shaping business and business attitudes around the customer. This programme helps shape beliefs to put the customer; their needs, expectations and biases at the centre of intentions, actions and outcomes.

Supplier Relationship

This programme defines the essence of highly effective supplier management. It explores the best practices in collaboratively creating the most productive account relationships in line with the values of the organisation and delivering the commercial outcomes required. It considers the strategic intent for the relationship and the required balance.


Telephony Sales

A highly practical programme that will deliver measurable impact to sales-effectiveness through an exploration and agreement of the best methodologies and skills in tele-based sales. There is a concentration on good questioning, understanding and empathy.

Telephony Claims, Resolutions & Complaints

This programme focuses on using consultancy skills to manage claims, complaints and resolutions. This helps turn potentially negative customer engagements in to positive and empathetic outcomes.

Telephony Customer Service

This programme focuses on helping business to provide the very best tele-based customer experience. This experience will be founded in the beliefs held, the culture created and the good questioning, understanding and empathy behaviours that result. This will in turn deliver the required commercial outcomes.



A programme that focuses on highly effective collaborative negotiation; exploring the theory, skills and techniques of successful negotiation in a balanced relationship.


Our communication programme focuses on how to communicate effectively; ensuring your message is encoded, transmitted and received.

Pitching for Business

This programme focuses on the art of pitching to win business. It is a practical examination of the theory, skills and techniques in building and delivering highly effective pitches and presentations.

Influencing Others

Our influencing others programme focuses on one of the critical skill areas in all aspects of business. The ability to influence others; directly and indirectly. We practically examine the theory, skills and techniques needed to be productively influential.

Time Management

The time management programme focuses on using time effectively; focusing on the important things; avoiding the distorting effect of ‘urgency’; avoiding legitimate displacement activities.

Train the Trainer

A comprehensive grounding and development programme for those moving into a role with a focus on training and development.