Testimonials to Mike Plowman & Andy Inglis


Good afternoon all, just a quick note to say that Andy Inglis came with Adam Sartori and I to a client meeting this afternoon and the value gained was exceptional (thanks Andy!).

Partner, HSG

The pre- and post- meeting prep & analysis was incredibly useful as was further discussion around how to implement the strategies.

Account Manager, HSG

This is brilliantly crafted and incredibly effective and I would encourage everyone to grab Andy as soon as you can. It will definitely have a big impact on your business if you use these tools effectively.

Account Manager, HSG

Following her attendance on the training course, Jayne has achieved 307% of her weekly target and she achieved a full house of cross sales to half of those customers… the performance is AWESOME!

Mortgage Sales Manager, Cheltenham & Gloucester

I am even surprising myself here! I have really taken to this new way of doing things and have just booked another SFS (appointment). I really thought I may struggle, as I am of a certain age, but am finding it refreshingly good.

Adviser, Skipton Building Society

I couldn’t agree more. It was the best few hours of training I have had. Andy was so positive but picked up on areas to improve that were so bang on without making you feel intimidated or stupid. I’ve come away feeling more confident about my own ability than ever before, whilst being far more mindful of how to better engage and listen to my clients going forward. Amazing!

Partner, HSG


It is not often that training courses have a real long lasting impact… this certainly will have!

Manager, Mercedes-Benz

  • Loved the training. Very engaging.
  • I enjoyed the detail. I feel my approach will now change when dealing with our customers.
  • Very relevant. It will help me as an individual and in my role and has given me more drive & motivation to better myself.
  • Great teaching techniques, brilliant engagement. Felt I have learnt a lot of very useful information.
  • It helped me to build some confidence and not to sound robotic on the phone.
  • Brilliant and trainer was interesting and informative.
  • This course has completely changed the way I handle calls.
  • I would recommend to other businesses. Trainers keep you engaged, loved the training.
  • Very engaging, I feel my approach will now change when dealing with our customers, all very relevant.
  • It will help me both as an individual and in my role The programme has given me more drive & motivation to better myself.
  • Personable trainers – explained how different techniques could produce different successful outcomes. Very good, very powerful and really enjoyed the training, as lots of helpful techniques. Very effective.

Team Members, Mercedes-Benz

  • I now believe that I can change my approach to enable me to arrive at the correct outcome for our customers.
  • The suggested call approach. An excellent template to help consultants better structure their calls. The breakdown of questions was extremely useful and I think this will help open up customers as sometimes in our current conversations we question a lot to no real end. This has given me the
confidence to tailor my questioning to drive the correct outcome.

Contact Centre Team members, Prudential


Quite challenging but in a good way. Completely re-addressed the way pitches are structured and made us focus on what we are really trying to say. Best presentation course to date!

Investment Manager, Smith & Williamson

Engaging speakers, set at a very useful level & specific to our firm/industry. Very helpful, interactive and will improve the outcome of future presentations.

Investment Manager, Smith & Williamson

Our team won the pitch for £30m which they started to practice during the January training course. The feedback was that although we were very similar to our competitors we concentrated more on the client and seemed to want it more, which just gave us the edge… I count this as another win for the training!

Partner, Smith & Williamson


Wonderful! Truly engaging! I really felt they understood MetLife and the depth of their knowledge and experience resonated throughout the course.

Business Development Manager, Metlife

This programme has helped me rebase relationships with existing contacts, think strategically about developing accounts and improve my ability to form on-going relationships with new contacts.

Strategic Account Manager, AVIVA UK

Well-structured from start to finish by Andy & Mike, you couldn’t have given this at a better time! I feel motivated and confident for the new year. Excellent delivery & very focused on our jobs. The key now is ‘adherence’ & implementation and your help here will be invaluable.

Key Account Manager, AVIVA Ireland


  • The interactive group sessions were particularly helpful.
  • Broadening my mind to what can be achieved with the development cycle.
  • How to run more effective feedback/coaching and how we need to act as a team brief, monitor, debrief.
  • Really well organised, interactive and informative. A real eye opener, ran at a very good pace and very engaging.
  • Very professional & friendly. Listened rather than just talked Fun, interactive and relevant. I found it revitalising.

Management Team, London & Country

  • Thoroughly enjoyable. Great atmosphere which encouraged open discussions, feedback & engagement Gave plenty of opportunities to discuss and put in practice various scenarios. Thank you for a great course.
  • The course was rich in motivational and behavioural content which couple with the commitment and energy from Mike has made is very valuable to me and the other members.
  • This new strategy will help MetLife achieve sales without employing more BDMs. Fantastic content & highly valuable. Very well run. Particularly liked the flexible nature i.e. if one area sparked more interest we stuck at it. A lot covered.
  • Good to practice/get feedback.Nice to have people who know what they are talking about. Well-paced and acknowledgement of experience within the group.
  • Pragmatic, simple, repeatable.

Management Team, Metlife