Our five step process…


Through interview, observation and MI we seek to gain a complete understanding of your business area; its customers and colleagues. We then present our findings; highlighting both areas of strength and those requiring development. The report will contain a recommended development pathway and recommendations for a bespoke change programme in a detailed INSIGHT report.


The INSIGHT report combined with our experience and understanding of the business informs the design and build of a programme bespoke to your organisation. The content and format of the programme is agreed in partnership between the programme sponsors and Ridgeway.


The programme will be led and delivered in full by Andy Inglis, Mike Plowman and/or our highly experienced consultants. The exact format and timings of the programme will be agreed following discussions and agreement.


The programme will include a phase beyond delivery, that will ensure agreed behaviours and practices are implemented and adhered to within all areas of the business to facilitate the full transfer to ‘business as usual’ and embed behavioural change.


The final element of the proposed programme will be a ‘run-off’ period of continued support that will help leaders and managers embed all behaviour and cope with the transition to a changed culture delivering the best commercial outcomes.